Thursday, June 12, 2008

~Grade 1 Piano~+Update~

Victoria takes her Grade 1 Piano exam tomorrow morning! She is really excited about it and her Teacher(aka Grandma)thinks she should do great :) After her exam she is off to the trailer for a fun weekend with Grandma, Auntie Cathy and her best buddy Rebecca!! Hope Grandma and Catherine are ready for a late night with lots of giggles and screams. Unfortunately I had to make an appointment for Victoria this afternoon at the Dr's to check her throat its been bugging her over the past couple nights so I figured we better get it checked before she goes away.

***Just a quick update, she did have a throat infection so she started on an antibiotic yesterday afternoon and already feels MUCH better. I will add that Victoria HATES taking liquid antibiotics she actually fights me on every liquid medication, so she asked the Dr for pills and he obliged and she is taking them wonderfully, I guess I will start buying that type for her more often. As for her exam, she called me after she finished as happy as ever and felt she did great, she said that Grandma wanted me to know that she was very pleased :) So now she is off on her much deserved getaway!


Vicki said...

GOOD LUCK Victoria!!! I'm sure you'll do great!!!

Have a wonderful girl's weekend!!!!

Joyful said...

Praying for Victoria - for her piano exam, and for her throat. What was the result of the Dr's appointment? Trust all is well.

Have a great weekend!
Love & prayers,

Caren said...

Wishing Victoria lots of luck on her piano exam. Also hope her throat feels better and she has a GREAT weekend!!

Catherine said...

Yeah Victoria!! Heard she did a great job! Way to go!!

The time at the trailer was wonderful and the girls were AMAZING!! 12 hours with no power = one VERY dark trailer but they were great! Played, did crafts by candle light, told stories and then drifted off to sleep. Now Grandma and I had a few fits of the giggles at night when her phone started sqwaking and we tried desperately not to wake the kids but as always, the girls were amazing! SO thankful for the friendship they share!

Pics to be posted early this week.