Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Boy really ARE different than Girls!

I am not going to lie to you, this year Joshua going to Kindergarden has not been a 'Bed of Roses' more like thorns..ouch! Because I work full time and just drop Joshua off in the morning and am not there at pick-up time, I have more or less felt on my own so to speak cause I really dont interact with the other Moms like I did when Victoria was in kindergarden. I kinda felt like my son was a problem and we were doing something wrong. Truth be told had we had the option I would have pulled him out and waited till next year and just put in in Sk, but a full time daycare spot wasnt available. After a couple horrible mornings I invested in the book Raising Your Spirited Child This book helped me tremendously, made me realize I was NOT the only Mom going through what I was. Since then I have seen some parents on some on line parenting resources come out of the closet so to speak and they sound just like me. One of the Moms posted an article from Macleans Magazine that was pulished just this past January, this article is incredible and really makes you wonder what we as a society are doing to our boys. So once again affirmation that there is nothing 'wrong'...what a great feeling! In general, I have altered my expectations from him, and it has made both of our lives more relaxed. So speaking of my little bundle of energy, yesterday when I was on the computer Joshua decided to play the piano and perform "Life is A Highway" (from Cars of course). Is he not the cutest little thing????

And now here is today...he really does still need a nap but saves it for around 4pm and is then a bear to wake up and put back to bed at actual bedtime! Notice the Playstation controller tucked in his arms...can anyone guess what game he was playing?


Joyful said...

Hey Michelle - WELCOME!!! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I can't wait to tell you the whole story!!! Sharon doesn't know yet, so "mum's" the word. Thanks.

I can't wait to read both your posts - so glad to find you here!!!!

I'll be back!!!!

Joyful said...

TOO CUTE!!! Just read your two posts. Michelle...I think you're a wonderful Mom!!! I've even had friends of mine comment to me about your parenting - they think you are so patient and loving with your children. Glad these books are encouraging you.
Praying for you,

Catherine said...

That video is just way too cute and he really keeps his tune well! Love the part in the middle where he goes up high. With all this talent I'm guessing Grandma will soon have 2 little ones in piano lessons and oh the entertainment Joshua will bring to lessons! Totally adorable!!

Carol said...

Great post, Michelle! LOVED the video! You've got a budding musician on your hands!

And I'm totally with you on the 'bringing up boys' thing! My son doesn't fit into the box that I would sometimes wish for... but I've learned too to embrace who they are cause that's how God made them and He knows better than me!

Glad you're back!

Vicki said...

Oh my gosh, TOO cute!!! Go JOSHUA!!! I love it!!

I think I heard Victoria in the background say "Good job buddy" - that really warmed my heart. How sweet!!!