Monday, February 9, 2009

~I Blinked~

So it seems when I did, 2months went by! Ah February, a very busy month. My 'babies' both have a birthday in a couple weeks, luckily Victoria is 'done' with parties and Joshua wont have his first party till he is in Grade 1, so this year is somewhat less hectic than the past few and the next few ahead of us, but we still have family parties to host so we will still be kept busy.

I have to say I have never disliked winter as much as I have this year. It could be coupled with the enormous amount of snow we have received this year along with out enormously looong driveway, the FRIGID temps we have had this past month and that we have a beautiful yard I am itchin' to enjoy once again! We are experiencing a warm spell if you want to call it that, you know its only minus 7 with the windchill as opposed to minus 35. I am so not getting my hopes up though cause both Victoria and Joshua were born at the end of February and both during a snowstorm so I know this isn't the last of the white stuff, or should I say charcoal stuff cause that's what it looks like on the sides of the road this time of year...gross. Snow is so pretty when its 'fresh' and within 12 hours its been plowed and all the road are lined with dirt piles, not so pretty anymore.



Joyful said...

Boy, life is going to pass you by if you keep blinking! LOL!!!

I know, it's been crazy! Today was a taste of 'spring' - beautiful!

Looking forward to the upcoming celebration for Josh and Victoria. First time we'll be having their parties in the new house!! :o)

Love ya...looking forward to our visit tonight,

Vicki said...

Hey M - I know what you mean!! I went even longer than you with my blog!! I blinked but must have fallen asleep!!! ;) LOL!!
But speaking of blinking, I'm having one of those moments, this week. I swear I blinked and that Sydney couldn't possibly be 6 already. Sigh!!!! I know you'll face that shortly too!!! Where does the time go.
We are going to receive a "tease" with the weather this week. It's supposed to get up to 60 tomorrow!! That's great except it will make me yearn for spring even more and I know it's nowhere close!!! Oh well!!!