What a difference 20 days makes!! Looks like my favorite season has come and gone quick as a wink once again. So we went to bed last night with the snow starting and woke up to a winter wonderland. Hate driving in it(doesn't everyone?) but its beautiful to look at. The kids are in Heaven of course, I don't think much compares to playing in the snow when your a kid ;)
So of course like all Canadians, the snow came as a big SHOCK(lol) and we were unprepared for clearing the snow in our extra long driveway. We went on a snow thrower 'hunt' this afternoon and of course everyone had the same idea and bought them all before us...uhhg ...I hate when that happens. I called my Canadian Tire connection...aka...Mommy :) and she hooked us up big time, so our new snow thrower is coming tomorrow...bring on the white stuff!!
Adorable pictures!!!
Glad you're going to get a snow thrower!!! Cool!!!!
Looking forward to seeing you in about half an hour for our Christmas House Tour :o)
Love ya,
The kids look like they are very happy to have snow. It really does look pretty.
The pictures are so cute, but you can keep all that white stuff to YOURSELF, thank you very much!!!!! HATE snow!!! NOT looking forward to it at ALL!!!!
Glad you're getting what you need to get RID of it - LOL, just kidding!!!! I agree - there's nothing like playing in the snow when you are a kid!!! :)
Snow much fun!
Are you sure you want to order more of this white stuff? If you need extra practice with your snow thrower you know where I live! :o) Me....I'm hoping for a thaw over the weekend. Yup...wimping out of shovelling.
Great pics of the kids! Fun new winter look to your blog too!
Ugh!! I'm SO not ready for winter! But, I'm sure the kids were loving every second. So far, we've only had a dusting but that was enough to get my kids SUPER excited! Glad you were able to track down a snow blower (we call them blowers rather than throwers)!! Loved the pics!
We call them both..lol I usually call it a 'blower' but all the boxes say 'throwers'...I say whatever its called its great!! ;)
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